Together we will tap into your innate capacity for self-healing to reveal your new potential for health and vitality.
Step forward on the path of self-inquiry, discover & release what limits your potential, and reveal a new expanded version of yourself.
BodyTalk offers the opportunity to shift how you perceive yourself and the world around you. It is about creating adaptability and harmony between your internal and external environment, and improving communication within the bodymind complex. Release what limits your potential & discover your true self.
Group BodyTalk
Witness the full power of what collective healing can look like in a Group BodyTalk session. Group BodyTalk sessions bring together open minded individuals with a common goal or purpose and are powerful because they are amplified by the shared experience and observations of the larger group.
The Veltheim Method of Lymphatic Drainage
The VMLD is a unique and highly effective way of moving stagnant fluid from around your cells through the tissues and into the lymphatic system for drainage to optimize the cleansing and purification of your inner environment.
Every substance in the universe vibrates with its own unique vibrational frequency and either the body recognizes this frequency or does not. BIE reintroduces these frequencies back to the body in order for it to be able to naturally adjust itself, by any means possible to function optimally.
I’d love to work with you.
I work with individuals and groups of all ages who are open and curious and on a path of self-inquiry. They want to live with more joy and authenticity. They recognize how their life experiences have shaped them yet are not willing to be defined by those experiences.
If you are looking to break old patterns, release stored emotions, change limiting beliefs, and observe a new potential for your life - this is my jam.
I am a translator, an educator, and an observer. I help give voice to the body.
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